The BKK Taco Bell Demo Team was a Northern California based team out of Bracali's Martial Arts Academy. The team began as a BKK Demo Team in 1990, for the Feather Fiesta Day Parade in Butte County. The team took first place in their division for the parade. The teams preparing to go to the 1991 IMACF Championship Belt Finals that held the National Demo Team Championships, in Lake Tahoe at the New Horizon Casino. Team placed second place.
Team 1:
Michael C.
In 1991, the team had taken first place at the National Demo Team Championships, giving them the half right sponsorship with Taco Bell. Now becoming the BKK Taco Bell Demo Team. In 1992, the demo team again placed first at the Feather Fiesta Day Parade and took first in Lake Tahoe at the National Demo Team Championships, becoming National Champions giving them full ride sponsor with Taco Bell. Guy had designed the uniforms that would stick out in Dark and Bright lights. Taco Bell went from their tan and brown color to their new promotion of gold, blue, and red. That correlated with the BKK Taco Bell Demo Team uniforms.
Team 2:
Michael C.
Dan K.
In 1993, demo team took first again at the IMACF Demo Team National Championships at the New Horizon Casino,Continuing their full sponsorship. Team 3:
Michael C.
Dan K.
Dan R.
In 1994, the team returned again to the International Martial Arts Competitors Federation known as the IMACF. The team placed first again at the National Demo Team Championships.
Team 4:
Michael S.
Dan K.
Dan R.
In 1995, the team preformed for the last time at the IMACF Belt Championships at the Red Lion Hotel in Modesto California. The team again placed first.
Team 5:
Dave F.
Michael S.
Dan R.
Dan K.
These young boys and girls were groomed and molded by Sensei Bracali. They were the elite of the elite of the academy. These young boys and girls, that people don't understand or seen behind closed doors the committment and the truth of their dedication. These boys and girls not only came to class for their cirriculm studies five days a week. Two days a week was demo team practice. Three nights a week was sparring (Full Contact and Kick Boxing), and preparing for their tournaments, Ameteur and Professional. Before a demo team competition or a demonstation, they would practice everynight for two to three hours after class. Three of these young men became Ameture World Champions. Breaking and fighting. Four of them became state champions. They had their school work, other sports, and the chores at home. These childrens lives were not 50% dedicated. They were 1000% dedicated. Sensei Bracali pushed them so hard to be the best. These young men at 15 year old Blue Belts that took four years to earn. And the true art of Kenpo and mixed with other Martial Arts including Muay-Thai. These young men fought adult black belt divisions and winning. The breakers, Silas, Yancy, and Dan K., break more bricks that most adults ( untampered bricks boughten from home garden). Two of them became world champions. Sensei Bracali instilled discipline, respect, honor, integrity, and perserverance. These children were no quitters. They walked to the edge of quitting, but knowing there is no return. Quitting is a pain that last an eternity. Sensei Bracali teaches the same curriculum in Kenpo that he learned that he passed on to his students. Adding more to his curriculum. Sensei Bracali doesn't believe in Black Belts under the age of 18. what he had done for his students is develope a junior black belt. When he turned eighteen they have to test for an adult black belt, which his 50% more curriculum that they have already learned. There is a lot of knowledge to learn from this academy. As Guy continued his learnings from his instructors, he would continue teaching his students. This demo team has been featured in Black Belt Magazine, several news papers, they've competed in Reno, Nevada and the NBL Nationals. they had the privilege to meet 15 time World Kick Boxing Champion, Don The Dragon Wilson. That was close friends with Guy's trainer, Tony Satch Williams. The team uses the song Go For It from Rocky 5 along with Good Vibrations from Marky Mark. Go For It because Satch played on Rocky 5 that was their fingerprint to Satch. The team has competed in Carson City, Lake Tahoe, Modesto, they have been in parades, represented the D.A.R.E. Program all over Northern California, and was featured at a tournament held for a movie TC2000 held at the Oakland Collesium. In 1993, the demo team took their award money and sponsored a team member that made it to the NBL World Super Grands, held in New Orleans. So the young man can make his first debut as a Junior World Brick Breaking Champion. He proudly came home with a solid 24 karrat gold Championship Ring. Sensei Bracali has always taught them how to be a team. We are stronger as a team then we are as one. We have to be all in or all out. The team was all in for that decision. The longest running team member on the team and clearly gets MVP is Tyree. Tyree started with the team and finished it. One heck of an accomplishment, for a eight year old boy. Tyree went on and played professional Basketball, and now coaches. When he first went pro he called his Sensei and said, " Hey pops, Sensei I made the Pros, I owe it to you", Sensei Guy Bracali cried and was very happy and proud. Sensei Bracali says, "If you can change one life, you've done your job." Sensei Bracali feels that he could of done a lot more changing for the youth in their town, until his ex-wife infedility took him down. This team was the pride of the Oroville Police Department and an inspiration to the whole town. The school was given to one of Sensei Bracali's Black Belts, Robert, and Guy moved on, with the deepest regrets every day.

1994 Demo Team Championships
Lake, Tahoe

Tyree now plays professional Basketball. He still calls his Sensei Pops. They both speak periodically.
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TC2000 Oakland Collisium 1994

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1994 BKK Taco Bell Demo Team Feather Fiesta Day Parade
The BKK Taco Bell Demo Team DARE Affiliated has won the parade for their division and overall perpetual trophy four years in a row. Feather Fiesta Day Parade has continuous movement flow for the participants and the floats. The judges booth is in front of the Chamber of Commerce. The demo team is the only participant in the history of the parade to stop for more than 2 minutes in front of the judges. Oroville Police had to use crowd control for the team. The police department blockaded the street for the team and the spectators also allowed our video camera on the roof of Chamber of Commerce. This team was the town's pride and joy. These young men and woman on the team signed autographs in their school, in their community, and at tournaments.
1991 IMACF Demo Team National Championship
New Horizon Casino
Lake Tahoe Nevada
Top Four Demo Team Winners

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